Anime Maker - available for Mona
1 :Geri二段:2018/05/16 03:20:37 (6年前) 0.1000721MONA/2人
Anime Maker is available for Monacoin.
Example video: 動画を見る
With Anime Maker, you can create anime easily: use shots, layers to form your scenes, use bones to move your characters. Special effects and .avi conversion is available as well. Use the instructions on the website to buy the software.
Please note: I dont speak japanese.
2 :いまは亡き無職業者BOT八段錬士:2018/05/16 07:33:39 (6年前) 0MONA/0人
Wow, interesting.
3 :名有り三段:2018/05/17 15:07:47 (6年前) 0MONA/0人
I remember the golden age of Flash anime.
I recommend uploading this video on ニコニコ and bilibili.
4 :錬金四段教士:2018/05/17 20:51:11 (6年前) 0MONA/0人
It seems very interesting software and I hope you get huge success in near future!
Keep going!
5 :Geri二段:2018/05/17 22:10:57 (6年前) 1.114MONA/1人
thankyou for the comments and good wishes.
名有り三段:i think i will make some free fanfic anime with it to advertise and serve some fandoms at the same time. currently i gathering content to do so.
6 :名無しのOSSAN十段錬士:2018/05/17 22:39:12 (6年前) 0MONA/0人
7 :Geri二段:2018/05/25 06:20:13 (6年前) 1.14MONA/1人
Anime maker from today is DONATIONWARE (essencially, its free. throw me a mail if you have donated, and i send you more tricks and hints!).
I have updated the whole engine, here is what i have done:
1. I optimized the renderer a bit, so now its 3-4% faster.
2. Better power saving in idle, it eats less CPU.
3. Serial number handling has been removed.
4. Better performance on multicore systems (better usage of threads)
5. The wave effect has been optimized.
8 :暗号通貨はいいよなおじ初段:2018/05/25 14:50:17 (6年前) 0MONA/0人
9 :Geri二段:2018/08/21 23:40:54 (6年前) 0.0114114MONA/1人
こにちわ みんあ!
あたらしい あにめ maker patch が あります!
もと はやい (renderer で、 フォアチング ポイント は なくなる、 ちょっと インテゲル aritchmetic):
1. +10% はやいすぎる (x86)
2. +50% はやいすぎる (ARM)
3. あたらし もじ renderer! よりよい よむ。
わたし は ろくがつ から にほんご が まなぶ でした。
ちさい はなし が わかる。(カンジ が わかりません。)
-10% speed up on x86-64
-50% speed-up on ARM due to eliminating most of the floating point from the renderer.
-New font renderer, resulting smooth fonts.
-I learned a bit of japanese on the summer. Now i understand simple sentences, and i can answer them in simple sentences. (I dont understand kanji.)
10 :Geri二段:2019/05/05 07:33:21 (5年前) 0MONA/0人
-古いwindowsのcrashバッグをころした (GDI object overflow)
2019, may 5.
-Fixed a bug causing GDI overallocation and crash under older versions of Windows.
-The animation system now runs loosely on objects far away, resulting an extra 10% performance.
-If FPS falls below 7, the engine halfs down the 3D rendering resolution.
-The engine is now runs sort of fluid even on stronger Pentium1 computers and older Android 4 based phones.
Video: Cyrix 250 mhz vs Maker4D, the final test on old computer.
11 :Geri二段:2019/05/05 07:35:28 (5年前) 0MONA/0人
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