English skill training thread
82 Res. 4.06604689 MONA 11 Fav.
1 :志位++和夫六段:2014/08/04 13:47:47 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
This is English skill training thread.
Playing with foreign Monacoiner, Try to speak in English.
I may tip some mona to good guys.
2 :名無し五段錬士:2014/08/04 13:52:26 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
Hi! I'm a good guy!
3 :なす六段錬士:2014/08/04 13:52:41 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
I may tip some mona to good gays.
4 :志位++和夫六段:2014/08/04 13:58:36 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
Recently, many foreign guys come into monacoin.
Lets play with them.
I gave some example of "Force to cross dressing with amazon".
other funny contents?
5 :名無し五段:2014/08/04 14:03:56 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
Tamami wakiyama is so cute.
6 :なす六段錬士:2014/08/04 14:43:16 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
Dice! Dice! It's very easy to get Mona with Monadice!!!
7 :( ✧≖´◞౪◟≖`)<六段錬士:2014/08/04 14:58:13 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
( ✧≖´◞౪◟≖`)If you want mona, be gentler, be manly.
8 :名無し五段:2014/08/04 16:45:10 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
I usually use weblio.jp.
Do you guys have any references to recommend to me?
9 :QuartzES三段:2014/08/04 17:17:29 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
This thread is useful.
10 :ecoecoazaras六段:2014/08/04 17:53:59 (10年前) 0.41MONA/1人
11 :名無し初段:2014/08/04 17:58:29 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
Call me TAXI!
Yes,sir Mr. Taxi
12 :名無し五段:2014/08/04 18:02:52 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
13 :名無し初段:2014/08/04 18:16:59 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
I am miso soup.
14 :QuartzES三段:2014/08/04 19:54:50 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
>>13 what...
15 :名無し四段:2014/08/04 19:57:23 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
hi! i like monacoin
16 :名無し四段:2014/08/04 20:05:42 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
your good!!!
17 :名無し四段:2014/08/04 20:09:51 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
red or white?
I like red miso.
18 :名無し五段:2014/08/04 21:05:25 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
Dump at the market!
And see how things turn out!
Hey guys dump now!
And let's see what happens.
19 :なす六段錬士:2014/08/04 21:09:48 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
red miso is my favorite!
it's very very delicious that red miso soup with ''NAMEKO''
20 :名無し六段:2014/08/04 21:55:55 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
Tamami Wakiyama is Very Cute!
21 :名無し五段:2014/08/04 22:00:05 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
We need to draw foreign otaku community into monacoin community.
Then integrate activity with foreign creator.
22 :志位++和夫六段:2014/08/04 22:04:08 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
Dumping is a short term phenomenon.
Its no problem for me. But some begginers may be surprize a lot.
Now many begginer come into Monacoin.
I will be gentle to them.
23 :B9四段:2014/08/04 22:10:47 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
I'm selling net slang dictionary for 0.1mona
check it out. It's useful to understand foreign net culture.
24 :QuartzES三段:2014/08/04 22:12:54 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
Thanks for giving Monacoin!
25 :名無し六段:2014/08/04 22:14:36 (10年前) 0.45454545MONA/1人
Is this a desk?
NO,it's susie!!
She is my friend.
26 :名無し五段錬士:2014/08/04 22:17:27 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
There are many good English speakers in here !
I cannot make good English like yours.
27 :kumarui五段:2014/08/04 22:20:24 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
How much monacoins do you have?
28 :なす六段錬士:2014/08/04 22:22:41 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
I have Just 200 Mona
29 :志位++和夫六段:2014/08/04 22:28:08 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
Is monacoin a countable noun?
"monacoins" is apropriate sentence?
30 :名無し三段:2014/08/04 22:38:09 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
Give 4 me
31 :名無し四段:2014/08/04 22:43:15 (10年前) 1MONA/1人
32 :名無し五段:2014/08/04 22:51:35 (10年前) 0.1MONA/1人
Here are two monacoins.
One is Red and the other is blue.
The Blue monacoin keeps secret sorrow in her heart.
33 :名無し初段:2014/08/04 23:40:24 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
Give me amount of monacoin!!!!!
I do what you want to!
34 :lae九段尊者:2014/08/04 23:47:07 (10年前) 1.0114114MONA/2人
Aw, I started a thread like this over a day ago (1852)
I use weblio.jp primarily. jisho.org also helps as a dictionary and learning by example with its sentence dictionary.
35 :名無し五段:2014/08/05 00:02:35 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
Wow jisho.org is awesome good!
Thx lae.
36 :なちゃっと八段錬士:2014/08/05 00:23:22 (10年前) 0.01225225MONA/2人
Yay, native speaker in here! Our English skills also to the moon!
37 :伏犠椰子七段:2014/08/05 00:30:19 (10年前) 0.01225225MONA/2人
I want monacoin!
38 :( ✧≖´◞౪◟≖`)<六段錬士:2014/08/05 00:42:13 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
39 :ほげぞー三段:2014/08/05 01:04:32 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
have a nice day!
40 :lae九段尊者:2014/08/05 01:11:36 (10年前) 1MONA/1人
41 :モナトレーダー四段:2014/08/05 10:07:51 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
@tipmona giveme
42 :なす六段錬士:2014/08/05 10:14:59 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
43 :lae九段尊者:2014/08/05 12:43:39 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
44 :志位++和夫六段:2014/08/05 14:22:58 (10年前) 0.01111111MONA/1人
I once heard that 「幼稚園児、恋」sounds like "you change coins?"
45 :志位++和夫六段:2014/08/05 14:23:36 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
We change coins!!!!!!!!!!
46 :名無し二段:2014/08/05 17:45:55 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
How about using 英辞郎 on the web? I often use it. Of course not professional version.
47 :志位++和夫六段:2014/08/06 17:44:56 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
I couldn’t find one that worked on web.sry.
It is aviable as a downloaded program.
48 :名無し初段:2014/08/06 17:50:15 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
Hey brother, what’s up?
49 :名無し三段:2014/08/06 18:02:32 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
hello! nullpo.
50 :名無し五段:2014/08/06 18:41:31 (10年前) 0.01225225MONA/2人
I have been drinking "午後の紅茶おいしい無糖" lately.
I hesitated over which word to choose between "lately", "recently" and "these days".
Then I used this page as reference.
51 :名無し五段錬士:2014/08/07 12:38:39 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
52 :名無し五段錬士:2014/08/07 12:42:40 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
裂都 酢多泥 淫愚慄酒 闘戯夜挫!
53 :kumarui五段:2014/08/07 13:37:00 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
↑Please write in English.
54 :lae九段尊者:2014/08/07 19:50:39 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
That's good. Sometimes even I make mistakes between using "lately" and "recently" lol
55 :ecoecoazaras六段:2014/08/07 21:23:18 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
It's been 72 hours since the Mr.communist started this thread. I really considered about that if I should put my video URL here or not. I believe my video cheer someone who learns English up but it'd turn me a self advertise asshole.
Now then, I've had enough amount of red wine to push me myself. I am a self advertise asshole.動画を見る
All the thing that I want to say is this thread kicks ass!
56 :志位++和夫六段:2014/08/08 02:01:10 (10年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
Red wine pushes everything. I'm so glad to be given your advise.
I've watched your video.
Continue training is really important.
There are some method to keep motivation high.
Twittering and listening English musics is good one.
I like 70s~80s musics.like The Doobie Brothers,ABBA so on.
Youtube support a lot.
But I've never attended to international dating partys. I just attend only the communism party.
Mr.ecoecoaras, you are really active guy !
57 :ecoecoazaras六段:2014/08/08 08:15:29 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
Thank you Very much! I appreciate it.
It seems the red wine that I took last night worked well:)
58 :ecoecoazaras六段:2014/08/09 08:58:20 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
Come on guys! Don't be shy.
People always make mistakes.
If U wanna C more...
59 :ecoecoazaras六段:2014/08/09 08:59:37 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
Oops, here again.
60 :ecoecoazaras六段:2014/08/09 08:59:51 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
61 :名無し五段:2014/08/09 23:03:06 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
Take the child.
Fall into water carefully.
Take care of the child.
(Get into | Enter) the water carefully.
Is it OK?
62 :ecoecoazaras六段:2014/08/11 22:21:47 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
Sorry, I didn't tell about Engrish.
Engrish is mistake of English and people enjoy Engrish.
The answer is maybe...
Take care of your child not to fall into the water.
63 :名無し五段:2014/08/11 22:56:59 (10年前) 0MONA/0人
Wow, it is interesting.
I didn't know that :)
Now I can enjoy Engrish too.
64 :名無しし二段:2015/09/28 15:32:58 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
I was looking for this kind of topic.
The dayly use of English will surely improve the English skill.
65 :名無しし二段:2015/09/28 15:34:57 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
Writing english is lot harder than just reading.
66 :名無しし二段:2015/09/28 15:38:17 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
I have been thinking the english skill of the user of Ask Mona is low.
I often see the people saying that they can't read english mail or description from foreign services.
67 :名無しし二段:2015/09/28 15:39:55 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
So lets practice english with us.
68 :名無し七段錬士:2015/09/28 16:36:18 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
I like oppai
oppai have a dream!
69 :名無しし二段:2015/09/28 18:18:32 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
In my opinion, the 78% of oppai is made of dream.
70 :アパッチ花子五段錬士:2015/09/30 19:06:35 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
I like big nipples tits, especially huge and dark areola nipples.
71 :名無し七段錬士:2015/09/30 19:27:05 (9年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
You seem like baby :)
72 :アパッチ花子五段錬士:2015/10/01 00:59:28 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
73 :名無しし二段:2015/10/01 01:06:56 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
I'm using ginger to check grammar.
74 :coco☆そばちょく七段教士尊者:2015/10/01 01:21:55 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
I want to shit
Likely out fart
75 :uzuramona七段錬士尊者:2015/10/03 23:21:41 (9年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
Oh! two curry summer distance (そのまま読めw)
76 :名無し五段:2015/10/03 23:28:18 (9年前) 0.00114114MONA/1人
I like pussy!!
77 :アフロ六段範士:2015/10/03 23:33:33 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
i love my girl friend.
she has a beautiful heart.
78 :名無し三段:2015/10/03 23:38:59 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
You have so pushy opinion.But to be honest with you,I feel the same thoughts.
79 :XM24箱四段:2015/10/04 00:39:59 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
To be, to be. Ten made to be.(そのまま読めw)
80 :名無しし二段:2015/10/04 00:41:54 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
thats not english!
81 :名無し四段:2015/10/06 23:30:05 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
my name is syouki
ha ha
not gay lol.
82 :名無しし二段:2015/10/07 01:03:35 (9年前) 0MONA/0人
me neither
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