Spreading Monacoin to world
1 :john三段:2017/07/06 03:36:05 (7年前) 0.99146991MONA/6人
Hello Everyone , My name is John , I am working on series of articles
to spread the word of Monacoin throughout the world as much as possible
by releasing articles on monacoin to let people know what monacoin is!
How it is actively being used by japan !
why is it a better than hundreds of coin in the market !
Why should people use it and why is it better !
So , far I have released 1 article now on japanchronicles.com
these are the links to my topic discussion. Monacoin have been very helpful during some of the questions which i asked but i am lacking behind due to come constraint on releasing my second article for monacoin .
I need few images for my next article which represent monacoin.
2 :john三段:2017/07/06 03:36:48 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
これは次の記事の参考になりました。次の記事のために画像を探しています。私はmonappyと探して、既にいくつか良い画像を見つけて使おうとしています。 次の記事のために画像を提供してくれる人がいたら、私に連絡してください。
3 :john三段:2017/07/06 03:40:16 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
My providing your artwork for monacoin article you will not help community to grow but also represent monacoin to outside world .
With these articles my aim is " the more people know about this , the more value of monacoin will have " and all the monacoin holders , users , community members will get benefit from this coz this will add values to monacoin with the expansion of time .
4 :john三段:2017/07/06 03:40:52 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
i hope i was able to convey my message to monacoin community
5 :john三段:2017/07/06 04:04:53 (7年前) 0.1MONA/1人
i want to see monacoin in top 10 cryptocurrency
6 :dragon3766三段教士:2017/07/06 04:10:03 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Mona is one of the best up and comers
7 :john三段:2017/07/06 04:26:42 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
images plz
8 :名無し四段:2017/07/06 17:42:46 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I recommend that you purchase and wear a Monacoin T-shirt to promote its use in your community.
I have two versions so far, which I try to wear whenever possible.
9 :名無し四段:2017/07/06 17:45:34 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Other mona shirt designs and products:
10 :john三段:2017/07/06 19:09:12 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Gin the stuff is awesome , Can i use this website in my next article ?
and use the T-shirt logo as images for next article ??
Can I .. I asking for the permission to use it
11 :john三段:2017/07/06 19:12:22 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
and if you r the seller then it will also help you to attract some customers on this website .. Possibly yes
Let me know if i can use it for the next article Plz
12 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/06 19:23:08 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Have you mentioned Monacoin Shrine?
13 :john三段:2017/07/06 20:43:37 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
no , what is it please explain
14 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/06 21:10:30 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
15 :だれかさん七段教士:2017/07/06 21:12:28 (7年前) 0.39MONA/1人
16 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/06 21:28:14 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
17 :だれかさん七段教士:2017/07/06 21:35:14 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
18 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/06 21:43:02 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
19 :john三段:2017/07/06 21:59:49 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
So , that mean mona was also being worshiped too . Establishing Mona shrine is a symbol of peace .
This raised a question here .. Is mona is being preached even till now ?
20 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/06 22:31:17 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Hi john,
Monacoin started on January 1, 2014.
On April 21, 2014,land transaction by MonaCoin was certainly done.
It's been half a year since the service started,
but it certainly happened.
At that time's land value:
32,001mona = About 190,000 YEN = About 21,000,000 US dollar
21 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/06 22:31:41 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Several anonymous people gathered in June 2014.
They will pioneer the land acquired by MONA.
They made a temple for MonaCoin.
It is still in Japan.
22 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/06 22:42:05 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
This news was broadcast on Japanese television in July "2014".
NOT 2017.
It was an incident three years ago.
Contents of the broadcasted TV are still available(Do not use this contents)
23 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/06 22:46:42 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
This is the reason why Monacoin aimed for 1 dollar in the summer of 2014.
However, because there was not enough content to enjoy, Monacoin dumped until segwit adoption.
24 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/06 22:52:33 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
In 2014, Mona Coin had only one big whale.
Now we are having fun with small fish using MonaCoin.
It surely will surely bring you many whales someday.
I am glad if this text helps you ;)
25 :名無し初段:2017/07/06 22:54:16 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
26 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/07 00:22:41 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I am one having faith in Momacoin and respect it.
This is joke a little bit.
First of all, to undestand meaning of the shrine, you need to understand tradition of polytheism in Japan.
27 :john三段:2017/07/07 00:31:26 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
so , can i write this in next article or not coz yo have written in ( do not use this content )
so , i am confused about it whether to use it or not
28 :john三段:2017/07/07 00:33:53 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
but this certainly a big news you know .. a coin name mona which is being worshipped by japanese people and also they have shrine of it acquired by mona coin community .. this content will give a huge impact on the people who are investing in it .. Monacoin isn't just a coin it's a culture and people believe in this .
29 :john三段:2017/07/07 00:38:34 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Even if you look at the coinmarketcap value of which there shit tons of shitcoins which no value, no working model, no certainty , no believe
atleast monacoin have these people driving through it . Japan is actually using for the next generation of micro transaction , you can use it to withdraw from ATM .
Even if you look at the high marketcap coin .. there is not a single which are under top 10 with market cap value from 200 million to 20 billion cannot be withdraw through ATM .. not even in europe and not evn in Asia .
There are exchanges but just for online purpose . Monacoin is the only working coin after bitcoin to getting used and avilable to withdraw through ATM .
30 :john三段:2017/07/07 00:42:46 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Even if you believe or not . Bitcoin itself which was believed to be driven by Satoshi Nakamoto was Japanese . I really don't see anything being a failure in this . Japan is basically the GOD of Cryptocurrency
Even if you count the failure which was MT GOX or the laer success of bitcoin and now mass adopting cryptocurrency . Chinese just copies japanese . They have miners to mine but they don't have brain to implement execute , make a idea works and turn a unbelievable thought into reality .
31 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/07 00:52:55 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
The place is here.
I guess "Do not use this content" mentioned above is because of third party own intellectual property rights to this TV programs.
32 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/07 01:20:04 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Thank you for your support comment.
YES,I'm afraid only copyright of the TV programs.
Other than that, please write on the next article.
We just enjoyed using Monacoin.
You can write articles as you like.
33 :john三段:2017/07/07 02:11:04 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Thank you . I 'll be using this content to describe the journey of monacoin .. Will post the next article link here very soon
34 :john三段:2017/07/07 02:23:18 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
also , i want to ask what is mahjong ?
35 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/07 05:55:15 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Topic memo
• horce racing
• mahjong
• Wakiyama Tamam
• Monacomi
• Monauta
• streming tipping viewer
• @tipmoma
• minecraft with monacoin (old project)
How often will you write?
One a week?
36 :もなむーる名無し八段:2017/07/07 07:07:21 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
You might know...
Please note that "もな神社" (pronounce: Mona-jinja) is a palody religion like "Pastafarianism, Flying Spaghetti Monsterism"
That project is just a half serious or a half joking. ;-)
Addition, >>21 said "temple" but it is sligitly incorrect. It's better to be "shrine".
is not derived from Buddhism but Primitive-shintoism (similar to animism).
37 :もなむーる名無し八段:2017/07/07 07:19:53 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>>35 WATANABEAT is too old?
38 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/07 07:36:57 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Let's add it to the list.
I remember that just now.
39 :いまは亡き無職業者BOT八段錬士:2017/07/07 08:47:45 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>>34 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahjong
The origin is from Chinese. Major game in Japan. So professional players available. You can play it online.
40 :もなむーる名無し八段:2017/07/07 12:08:25 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
New commers might not know WATANABEAT.
It is the music album tributes to Mr. Watanabe.
It was released on 2014.
You can buy it on https://monappy.jp/u/watanabeat
Some song writers uploaded their song to Youtube. 動画を見る
I'm not sure but maybe legal.
41 :もなむーる名無し八段:2017/07/07 12:12:22 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
> I'm not sure but maybe legal.
Songs in WATANABEAT are copyright legal, of course.
I mean about rights of uploaded video.
42 :john三段:2017/07/07 13:20:52 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>>35 yes , for now once a week , I am trying to convince some online media to give me space to write . I may have to compromise with the author name ..like they might not give me section for my name instead somebody else name will be written instead of me and sometimes they ask for money for which i am unable to give ..lol
so , somehow i have to leave that section not to be part of
43 :john三段:2017/07/07 13:26:47 (7年前) 0.10114114MONA/2人
currently talking to 3 media/news/magazine sites . If they allow me to go through this .. I'll publish the article with them .
My aim is to publish atleast 10 articles before 1st august so , that Monacoin get a dazzling start . Participants should be encouraged to be part and if foreigners are in japan travelling they should also be part of it and enjoy this activity .
and it's simple the more the people get involved the more the value of monacoin will have , so all of us get the benefit of it .
I am doing my best to take monacoin to the moon .. right next to bitcoin . :D
44 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/08 11:13:13 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
This is the MOMEJINJA-chan of Monacoin shrine.
Not mona but mome.
45 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/08 11:58:55 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I heard that a misunderstanding caused such a strange things.
Japanese "katakana" character of na(ナ) and me(メ) are very similar.
"MOMEJINJA" is displayed on the road sign around.
46 :john三段:2017/07/08 15:30:00 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
so , this is also about shrine ???
47 :john三段:2017/07/08 15:30:35 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
should I write mona shrine or mome shrine ? what would be correct word to say about this
48 :名無し一級:2017/07/08 15:47:52 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
give me BTC!!
49 :john三段:2017/07/08 15:59:37 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
you give me mona and btc plz
50 :いまは亡き無職業者BOT八段錬士:2017/07/08 16:12:13 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>>47 Mona-shrine is right.
It's a kind of good laugh subtopic that >>45 said.
"Mome" in Japanese means troublesome, dispute, and so on.
You must be surprised our Mona-shrine was hijacked by something troublesome, right? ;-)
51 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/08 20:25:35 (7年前) 0.114MONA/1人
>>47 Mona-shrine is right.
Yes,the above is right.
LONGMAN E-E dictionary says below,
Almost the Japanese know the difference, because the Japanese have accepted many religions from long ago.
52 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/08 20:34:49 (7年前) 0.114MONA/1人
At first,some people established the shrine for a joke. Japanese pronunciation "MONAJINJA" means monacoin-shrine in English.
Next, because Japanese "katakana" character of na(ナ) and me(メ) are very similar,a misunderstanding caused that "MOMEJINJA" is displayed on the road sign around.
So, illustrator "mizcore" created the mascot who called MOMEJINJA-chan.
I think that you can undestand. It's the result of a joke upon a misundestand upon a joke.
53 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/08 20:46:05 (7年前) 0.114MONA/1人
By the way, would you mind to read this article on the official website of the rally. It's released July 8,2017.
We(staff) are really grateful for the article you've released about the rally.
54 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/08 20:50:17 (7年前) 0.114MONA/1人
Sorry,I made a mistake.
So, illustrator "mizcore" created the mascot who called MOMEJINJA-chan.
So, illustrator "mizcore" created the mascot who is called MOMEJINJA-chan.
55 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/08 21:03:48 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Could I suggest that you follow catsc(http://askmona.org/5045?f=112)?
Perhaps catsc may make some rally posters for the USA.
56 :いまは亡き無職業者BOT八段錬士:2017/07/08 21:12:21 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
It's sure the topic about "Mome-jinja" is a friendly, comedy (and LOLful) topic for Japanese Katakana masters.
But ... Just IMO but, the "Mona - Mome" story might be too high context to spread to the world.
Remember. Almost all people in the earth don't know Katakana.
In this time, it's best to be low context. Simple is best.
57 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/08 21:25:02 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Yes, I agree that almost all people in the earth don't know Japanese Katakana character.
Do you think so too, jhon ?
58 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/09 00:17:01 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I just let John know the character.
59 :john三段:2017/07/09 01:37:43 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
so , let me just get this a clear view on my mind coz .. my next article is almost ready .. Mona shrine was started as a joke and it was not really a culture or anything ... people really don't worship mona shrine ... am i correct or wrong ?
60 :john三段:2017/07/09 01:41:10 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
To staff members thank you for your appreciation , But I would like to tell you that i am going to publish few more articles on monacoin , as soon as people of ohter staff media give me approval on this .
I want monacoin to be successful and want this rally to be successful and it's obviosuly going to help mona-community and me too coz I hold mona coin which leads to price spikes
61 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/09 02:00:00 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
It is hard to tell you our view of religious...!
Do you have faith?
62 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/09 02:15:05 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
It my opinion.
We worship something great, special, awesome or frightening.
Maybe "worship" is not same your definition with us though.
63 :john三段:2017/07/09 02:37:36 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
so , i guess whatever is better and good , that help community to together and achieve something big as being together ..is religion in japan .
Coz i have read , warriors are worshipped coz they have done so much for japan instead of any god like Buddhism have done so much for buddhism for community but to spread their religion and thoughts and make people believe , how to follow ( where in this there is some boundation and limits which need to be followed ) whereas , warriors deversify according to the current need and situation without limiting themselves .. which aims to keep moving forward and mixing with others without any greed, caste , religion
64 :john三段:2017/07/09 02:44:12 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
There aim was to improvise and keep all without bounding everyone to follow them ( warriors )
Freedom , diversify , improvise , aim to achieve something big equals to " WARRIORS "
Religion - Boundation , limits , aim to follow specific paths given by one big leader , peace is their goal , let the community follow if you don't follow rules then you ain't following religion
Maybe i could be wrong , it's just what i am abserved, learned and understand , it's my opinion not to offend anybody here though
65 :john三段:2017/07/09 02:49:41 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
About FAITH - Yes , I believe somewhere in this universe , there is someone who believes in you and help you to achieve what you want
that power follow each and every step of your and if u r strong with your thoughts , you will get it somehow .. Nobody can stop you .
66 :dragon3766三段教士:2017/07/09 06:44:39 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
It should be easy to make Mona a universal coin.
67 :dragon3766三段教士:2017/07/09 07:41:06 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
How is it going so far John?
68 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/09 10:38:43 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>>65 >>66 >>67
You released in res 19 & 20 of the thread(http://askmona.org/5384).
Could I hear what is your idea for that monacoin will go to the next level and become a universal coin?
Do you read the satoshi's report,didn't you.
And do you think about this report? Not about the techonogy on blockchain or RSA Chipher or else, especially about his consideration for money and gold and the monetarism, do you think?
How situation is that monacoin has become a universal coin,do you think?
Now, is bitcoin a univaersal coin, do you think? How bitcoin become,do you think?
69 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/09 10:52:33 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>>61 >>62 >>65
Perhaps I guess, もなこいにすた(monacoin-ista) want to ask if you know about monotheism and polytheism.
Because usually you(almost American people) avoid the topic of politics and religion, did you make a different way to answer about faith on purpose?
70 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/09 13:44:33 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Maybe on next Monday my interview will release on memo-log of monappy website.
It's almost all joke, but I think there contains very few truth.
Sorry it's written in Japanese, but I will feel happy if you read it throught auto-translation.
71 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/09 14:00:05 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
About "Mona-shrine"
> Mona shrine was started as a joke.
>it was not really a culture or anything
>people really don't worship mona shrine.
It may have started as a joke.
However,the Mona shrine is regularly maintained.
Kawaii goods originated from "Mona-shrine" are also made.
A management company is also made.
This is gradually increasing in reality,like the donation of
Bobsled by DogeCoin.
Right now, you are in the place where Japanese culture is growing up.
72 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/09 14:16:28 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Articles on religion are very difficult.
I think that I should explain with the stage.
- Purchase of land by Monacoin.
- Japanese anonymous gathered in order to work on the land purchased.
- That activity was taken up in Japanese TV.
Up to this point,I think ALL OK.
How about the explanation that "Japanese made a symbol for monacoin on this land"?
Your article should talk about Monacoin.
It is not good to bring a view on religion here.
73 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/09 14:31:29 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
About "poster rally"
みそにこみ(misonikomi)is the owner of this project.
I want you to respect his opinion.
74 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/09 16:25:22 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>>73 Thanks
Hi john
My very short interview on memo-log of monappy website is about the rally project and ecomomy not about religion.
The expression of my interview is almost all joke, but I think there contains very few truth.
75 :john三段:2017/07/09 16:26:27 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I'll be glad to read your interview just send me the link when you post it online . Maybe your interview help in creating the idea of upcoming articles .
76 :john三段:2017/07/09 16:29:11 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
i didn't bring the topic of faith and religion , it was just an idea of explanation how a digital economic asset is turning into something big which equals to faith and religion . However , like everybody explained
monacoin shrine was started a joke
77 :john三段:2017/07/09 16:31:32 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
and "dragon" article is going good so , far it'll be published before tuesday. I am surely going to post a link here
78 :john三段:2017/07/09 16:32:18 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
About Poster Rally , we all respect that opinion
79 :john三段:2017/07/09 16:35:01 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
No , I didn't read about polytheism and monetheism and I am not american . I am Monacoin lover :P
80 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/09 17:56:20 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Sure !
I have translated the article from Japanese to English and send to a person who operate the web-server already.
81 :john三段:2017/07/09 18:28:14 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Can you share the link here plz , so i can read that too !
82 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/09 19:11:58 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>>81 Ok, if I see the link URL, I'll send you it.
83 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/09 19:14:05 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>i didn't bring the topic of faith and religion , it was just an idea of explanation how a digital economic asset is turning into something big which equals to faith and religion .
Oh, I see your idea for writing the next article.
I think that you already know the difference between Fiat Money and non-Fiat-Money. Now, we almost all the world use Fiat Money.
You mean that both of religion and the modern financial system(Fiat Money) is setting on the faith. Yes,I agree you totally.
Why do you think the faith occur? There are very various answers, so all answers is possible and right.
I think, you undestand that the rally activity may cause the faith in future.
I think, you undestand that a website which can be paid in monacoin ,for example monappy, may cause the faith in future.
I think, you understand that the monacoin project is only joke and/or social experiment and/or innovative something, on which the Japanese geek are working.
Can you write the next article ?
84 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/09 20:16:57 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I think, you can't understand that "Mona-shrine" is only joke and/or the mascot which the Japanese geek create as a joke and/or the living place of God/Godness.
I think, you want to scream which the correct answer is !
We(almost Japanse) can accept the all answers. That's our view of religious.(>>61 It is hard to tell you our view of religious...!)
If you are from EU, I suggest that you learn the Roman/Greek mythology.They are polytheism, there are very various God/Godness, who are related to the natural phenomenon, the natural objects and the artifact. The God Zeus is like as human, for example LEDA AND THE SWAN.
85 :john三段:2017/07/09 21:45:15 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
You are pretty good at discussion and arguments . I mean in a good way which helps to dig out more deep logical views . I wanted to write your name in my upcoming article for helping me through this . Would you mind if i write your name ? I tried to convert your name here it says " Ten steps of miso " this isn't your name right ?
86 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/09 21:58:56 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
MISONIKOMI is his name.
It is from Japanese food lol.
87 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/09 22:00:45 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Ten steps is added by askmona system.
This is rank system depending on getting or giving amount of monacoin.
You are at second rank, John.
88 :john三段:2017/07/09 22:35:54 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Somebody shared a blog in which monacoin shrine was posted and links of the comic books released on monacoin here ..the blog was created in 2014 .. I forgot to bookmark it and now i am unable to find it ..it's not even in google search . Can you plz let me know what blog it was ?
89 :john三段:2017/07/09 22:37:03 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Misonikomi is a staff member right and rally organizer for monacoin
90 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/09 23:04:07 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I don't understand what you are saying.
I don't know this is the answer...
We are compact communuty in Japanese language.
We are linked and know each other member/project.
Monacoin comics is here.
Misonikomi is the reader/organizer.
I am a staff of rally project.
91 :john三段:2017/07/10 06:32:07 (7年前) 9.04MONA/4人
Hi guyz my next article published just now , i have to give away my credit to another author coz that was the deal with them
your feedback is important . I am going to start another thread so , that others who don't know about this can share this article too
92 :john三段:2017/07/10 06:51:33 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I would like to thank Monacoin Community for Helping in research on monacoin and “Misonikomi” for doubts and deep discussion on this .
93 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/10 07:25:44 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I sent you 3.9 (thank you ) mona.
We sometime compare momacoin activity to MMORPG (like Final Fantasy XIV)
In this context, we got new member (Job: writer) for out party.
94 :もなむーる名無し八段:2017/07/10 08:24:35 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>>91 I read your article just now. Really nice.
95 :れとると・きゃりー四段錬士:2017/07/10 11:10:42 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>>91 thank you for nice article!
96 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/10 12:39:55 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Great work!
The current situation of Japan is well conveyed by your article.
Thank you!
97 :john三段:2017/07/10 14:17:06 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Thank you so , much for such a generous donation . This really helps a lot .
98 :john三段:2017/07/10 14:17:47 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Thank you for your appreciation
99 :john三段:2017/07/10 14:18:26 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Thank so , much for giving your time to read this article .
100 :john三段:2017/07/10 14:21:22 (7年前) 0.1MONA/1人
>>93 >>94 >>95 >>96
Thank you all for your generous support and helping through this brief discussion . I will write more articles , to keep up with monacoin community . World is should know why monacoin is better and reach top 10 marketcap caps coin in upcoming months.
101 :john三段:2017/07/10 14:22:14 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
and thank you cryptoRobin again for the note .
102 :名無し四段:2017/07/10 15:06:26 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
John, thank you for your help. We would all love to see Mona in the top 10 market cap ranking!!!
103 :john三段:2017/07/10 18:20:05 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
yeah , Gin for sure, I believe in this and " together " we would definitely make it happen.
104 :john三段:2017/07/10 18:22:47 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Guyz ,
I need a little help on my next article , I talking to this magazine now , where they would love to know the mysterious developer "Mr watanabe " .
Does anybody ever had talk to him or had a simple interview with him?
105 :john三段:2017/07/10 18:23:35 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
or Mr Watanabe work silently ?
106 :john三段:2017/07/10 18:26:39 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
and other than this , I was thinking about huge markets , which have been covered by Monacoin community and i guess there might be special market where monacoin is being challenge with other coins ?
107 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/10 19:19:52 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Sometime, he come to Askmona.
First of all, he was a mining pool owner.
108 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/10 19:49:37 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>>81 >>82
Thank you for your very nice article.
I'll send you the link of my very short and funny interview.
For I'm busy today, it's the time to leave the monacoin world for the real world.See you.
109 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/12 01:01:25 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Hi, john.
Did you already read the below site ?
The computer shop arc is available to a pay with monacoin.
I tryed translating to English with the auto-google-translattion, and the result was a little strange. Sorry for I don't have a time to translate by myself.
<<press release>>Notice of participation in Second Monacoin ad rally project
Articles on Arc Tech News (owned media)
110 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/12 01:01:51 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Hi, john.
Did you already read the below site ?
The computer shop arc is available to a pay with monacoin.
I tryed translating to English with the auto-google-translattion, and the result was a little strange. Sorry for I don't have a time to translate by myself.
<<press release>>Notice of participation in Second Monacoin ad rally project
Articles on Arc Tech News (owned media)
111 :john三段:2017/07/12 01:57:18 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I read your interview .. it was interesting But , I have a opinion on this like you could have ask few more questions on monacoin .
112 :john三段:2017/07/12 01:58:57 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Now , i didn't know about this .. is this a famous shop at Japan?
does this shop wide variety of gadgets to buy ?
And thank you so much for sharing this news
113 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/12 03:00:41 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>special market where monacoin is being challenge with other coins?
It's the replacement for JPY almost as a joke, but I don't know because there are not the consensus of monacoin community.
I think that monacoin community isn't aim to anywhere because everyone does just a his favorite things. I think that monacoin has been used and will use as a chip for works such as images and videos on the Internet.
114 :john三段:2017/07/12 04:47:25 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
but i guess they are still being manipulated , coz there are literally like 5 to 10 coins available which you purchase from fiat are XMR , Ripple , ETH , bitcoin, IOTA , XEM , ETC and Monacoin .. hardly 1 one coin available to buy through ATM and this is monacoin after monacoin.
Rest is all by just coin swapping . Monacoin have a good lead in this situation
115 :john三段:2017/07/12 05:57:51 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
i mean only one coin can be purchased through ATM is monacoin after bitcoin
116 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/12 07:05:15 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Hi john,
Please check https://monacoin.org/
"Mr watanabe" did a wonderful activity.
117 :john三段:2017/07/13 06:11:02 (7年前) 0.1MONA/1人
this website is better than previous , looks superb
118 :john三段:2017/07/13 06:12:40 (7年前) 0.1MONA/1人
There this mahjong competition going on.
Can anybody plz explain the mahjong competition .. is this drawing/painting competition
119 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/13 07:42:23 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I sent your request to the thread on the monacoin mahjong.
120 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/13 09:08:06 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Mahjong competion website
Plyaing mahjong and winner get mona as prize.
121 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/13 09:14:24 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
By the way, I do mot think ATM is important.
What we individual get payment system and web currency are important.
I want ro spread monacoin them to receive monacoin as a currency.
122 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/13 17:25:31 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
The largest competion distribute 5000Moma (whole amount) of WAKIYAMA TANAMI-chan first LIVE concert memorial cup.
Spnsor can name the title of a competion.
123 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/13 20:47:33 (7年前) 0.114MONA/1人
This is not drawing/painting competion.
This is online game battle competion.
Basically it will be held once every two weeks.
The rules of the game are below.
There is one thing different from one other online game.
Winner gets a monacoin instead of a dollar.
It may seem silly, but this competition lasts three years.
124 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/13 21:01:11 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
125 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/13 22:14:08 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
The owners of monacoin mahjon say that they can't understand English.
If you have something to ask them, please write it here. Sevral volunteer will interpret.
126 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/13 23:29:22 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>>115 Hi, john.
Do you say about smart ATM of Zaif ?
The smart ATM system is the a mechanism below;
1) The individual user signs up for it as a smart ATM.
2) The Zaif releases them on the map.
3) The taker meets a near one of them face to face to exchange JPY for bitcoin or monacoin.
127 :john三段:2017/07/14 20:09:09 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
What kind of game is it " Mahjong "
is it really famous in japan
128 :john三段:2017/07/14 20:15:36 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>>123 >>124 >>125 >>126
Can Somebody interpret the steps to participate in mahjong . I want to complete my next article as you know i am working on the next one . So , i wanted to know how can i explain this mahjong competition to the readers briefly .
The mahjong competition seems very interesting for the my next crucial article on monacoin . I need to understand this more and i will be adding the detials of arc shop which is being accepting monacoin for digital products .
I didn't get know about Mr watnabe besides he is just the founder ,c reator of monacoin and he is owner of monacoin pool .
129 :john三段:2017/07/14 20:23:57 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
and one more thing , i was researching .. it's just my opinion and i don't want to be offend anybody . Like everybody , when bitcoin have been started on the darknet becoz if was private and anonymous in nature and bitcoin basically grow from there .
In recently many different coins were added to accept in darkmarkets like XMR , ETH and ZCASH is being added in future with concept of ZNARKS
Do u think monacoin might be getting used for dark purpose in japan
coz japan have it's own mafia
I saw a documentary on this largest group of the world which is basically have impact on japan ...
i watched this documentary it have japanese subtitles as well .
Let me know your thoughts on this and what do u think about this ?
130 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/15 01:50:52 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
How to play mahjong.動画を見る
The mahjong competion hold on online mahjong website.
Joining in the competion is free of charge.
The prizes of the competion are monacoin.
How to join the competition.
131 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/15 02:03:08 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Not only arc but also bitcoinmall https://bitcoinmall.jp/ and coingift https://coingift.jp/items and so on.
Ark is on of PC parts shop in Akihabara (very famous place).
A staff of ark is >>1 of http://askmona.org/4986
He is a developer of ark.
132 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/15 13:24:31 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I was mining LTC at his pool first.
But we Japanese miner is very small group and we can mine LTC rarely.
Suddenly he told us at 2ch on 2013 Dec. 23rd that he had developed Monacoin.
After some discussion with his pool miner, he had decided to make monacoin public at bitcointalk.org and monacoin was started on 2014 Jan. 1st 0 a.m. (GMT).
He appears when we need him.
EX) when monacoin community want monacoin to get hard fork to change its mining algorithm.
We don't know his name, his nationality, where is he... (must he is Japanese living in Japan, I guess).
133 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/15 13:44:26 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Japanese government put a cryptocurrency law into effect last April.
We and exchanges under these regulations.
I don't have concern about using at the darkmarket.
(but you know nobody can govern user)
By the way, I have never see Yakuza (mafia).
134 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/16 02:09:40 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
At the time of January 01/01/2014, I was not in Monacoincomunity.
I apologize for not being able to help you.
Please refer to the opinion of >>132.
The following article summarized by 132 is helpful.
"◆bzJIFpVqts" is MR WATNABE
135 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/16 02:23:12 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
The rule of the game is >>130.
Mahjong has been popular in Japan for more than 20 years.
Like poker, if you make certain combinations quickly you win.
Until the beginning of the Internet,people wanting to play games had to gather at someone's house.
Because there is no casino in Japan.
After the Internet became popular,people started to find opponents to play games on the Internet.
Here is one of those sites.
136 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/16 02:45:14 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Using tenhou.net,
Individuals can hold mahjong competitions.
We can watch the game using web and Apple/Google App.
And Flash video.
(As you know, flash video is a very old one.
That is, from the time Flash was the main, this site is online)
Someone in the Monacoin community began as a joke in 2014.
However, some people began to work seriously.
Just like MONACOIN Shrine.
And three years later, Mahjong competition became one of the main contents for Monacoin.
137 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/16 03:04:33 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
About Japanese Mafia,
I think that they have not appeared.
MonaCoin begins for geek rather than dark market.
This is the personal opinion.
If Japanese Mafia is investing for MonaCoin,
The current price should be higher.
The current MonaCoin price is too cheap.
138 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/16 06:23:05 (7年前) 0.114114MONA/1人
Rather than "Start as a joke. " it is seems that "start as a game" or "start as a playing" is more actual.
139 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/16 06:28:59 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
We do and seek for something fun with monacoin.
140 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/16 13:04:28 (7年前) 0.11416049MONA/2人
I should want to correct only one.
>Mahjong has been popular in Japan for more than 20 years.
more than 100 years.
There is the mahjong kit which my grand-grand-father played with in my father's house.
Though the video you posted here(>>129) says that Japanese own mafia is using a mahjong as business in black market, my gand-grand-father played its game for leisure, off course, was not a menber of Japanese own mafia.
141 :ひとばしらさん五段錬士:2017/07/16 14:15:51 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Thank you for your pointing out!
I agree with your opinion.
142 :名無し四段:2017/07/17 00:08:46 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
143 :いまは亡き無職業者BOT八段錬士:2017/07/18 18:09:18 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Zaif Smart ATM is going to be shutdown on 2017/07/31.
https://corp.zaif.jp/info/5999/ (in Japanese).
144 :john三段:2017/07/20 05:41:14 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
But why Smart ATM's shutting down . This is bad news
145 :john三段:2017/07/20 05:42:03 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Then who is going to take the place of smart ATM's now . this is really bad
146 :john三段:2017/07/20 05:42:29 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Do we have other smart ATM's for monacoin now ?
147 :いまは亡き無職業者BOT八段錬士:2017/07/20 06:14:38 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I'm not sure but possibly two reasons.
1. legal changes in Japan
2. less demand
Indeed it will be inconvenient for some people like traveler to Japan.
But as far as I see, cryptcoiners in Japan don't think shutdown is bad news.
Some of then expect cryptcurrencies as the direct payment method, no need fiat currency.
And, exchanges in Japan tend to respond for withdraw request quickly. Zaif exchange guaranties JPY withdraws within tomorrow. And there are so many fiat ATM in Japan.
So there are less demand to cryptcurrency ATM.
148 :いまは亡き無職業者BOT八段錬士:2017/07/20 06:17:49 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>>143 So, don't worry. The shutdown is not bad news.
There is demand to MONA even if there is no demand to SmartATM.
149 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/07/20 07:11:38 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
To run smart ATM will be under legal regulations.
The capital requiremen is the one of regulations and very difficult for smart ATMs.
(One hundred thousand JPY)
150 :dragon3766三段教士:2017/07/20 08:25:33 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Get it John
151 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/20 13:04:14 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
The supplyer of thr smart ATM can not identify the demander. So it is not suitable under the new law.
152 :いまは亡き無職業者BOT八段錬士:2017/07/28 23:05:54 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
See this short article.
PC shop ARK akihabara doesn't accept BTC now, bcause BTC is unstable, you know.
But they keep accepting Monacoin.
Because there are no big block gangs around Monacoin community yay! B-)
153 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/29 09:25:12 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
PC shop ARK akihabara has joined the poster rally actibity and will start soon
The period of the poster rally actibity is from Augast 1 to Augast 31,as you know alreadry. On Augast 1, bitcoin may separate and cause the confusion.
I think it's contrast.
154 :john三段:2017/07/30 10:46:30 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
>> 153 >>152 >>151 >>150
Got it . Thank you for the update
155 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/07/30 15:24:39 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Do you have a schedule for next article ?
156 :john三段:2017/08/02 11:40:42 (7年前) 0.888MONA/1人
Hello everyone ,
Just wanted to notify you . I just checked with keywords " Why monacoin " " Monacoin Japan" and " Monacoin japan cryptocurrency "
Both articles are visible on the first page while searching in google . This means people are are getting interested in monacoin .
I checked through the US Chicago IP . Before this these article were on 3rd page of google and now they are ranking on first page of google.
157 :john三段:2017/08/02 11:40:58 (7年前) 0.888MONA/1人
It's good news and i am hoping rally will do good for monacoin and i am also hoping a sudden jump in the price for monacoin.
158 :john三段:2017/08/02 11:42:31 (7年前) 0.888MONA/1人
The next article is scheduled for upcoming sunday i.e, 6th august 2017
. I am trying my best to get it release before that but some formalities i have to go through .
159 :あんのん二段:2017/08/02 19:28:54 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Perhaps the next step would be hitting your article with keyword of "Japan cryptocurrency" without "monacoin".
(because most of people don't know the name of monacoin...)
Anyway I think your article help to spread the world of monacoin.
Thank you!
160 :もなこいにすた★七段教士:2017/08/02 20:23:14 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Hey John. Good news.
We are developing ElectrumX for momacoin.
We have three issues left now but developing well.
We are going to have competition for its icon after release of the ElectrumX.
161 :みそにこみ十段錬士:2017/08/03 14:48:00 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Hi John.
The CM movie is released as the version for the rally, which is modified from the general version in 2014. (動画を見る
Do you know Ban'ei Tokachi? It's one-of-a-kind horse race and the only one like it in the world. ( Official-site in English : http://banei-keiba.or.jp/language/index_en.php)
And the rally activities will sponsor the one of the race on 20th August (JST).
The race and the above CM movie will be broadcasted through the web and CS-TV for Japan area. People in the world can see it through the web.(https://keiba.rakuten.co.jp/guide/csr/obihiro)
162 :john三段:2017/08/08 12:06:18 (7年前) 1.14114114MONA/1人
Hello Everyone ,
Just want to apologize for the delay in publishing article as editors and team out there want my article to cut it short so , i have to rewrite it and get the permission to get this published . It wa slot of hassle . Somehow I make it . They have removed so many content from it but , I make sure i will get it approved in next article .
Thank you very much all for the support
163 :john三段:2017/08/08 12:08:40 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
below is the article
it is basically covering the south american region so , this was website for helping me spreading the word for monacoin
. Thank you again for all the support
164 :john三段:2017/08/08 12:17:19 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Thank you to misonikomi , dragon and the whole community for helping me out for the article and i hope i keep getting the support for my upcoming articles .
I would have mentioned everybody's name but i only 2 english from here so , i mentioned that . Thank you to the whole community of monacoin
165 :john三段:2017/08/08 12:22:31 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Thank you robin and thank you Gin !
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