I want to get to know you guys
16 Res. 0.16053649 MONA 4 Fav.
1 :jarnoR3Y初段:2017/10/15 01:22:03 (7年前) 0.04649MONA/1人
Hi, I want to get to know you guys.
Tell me something about yourself, where in japan you live, what games u play, what you do for a living, etc...
2 :アパッチ花子五段錬士:2017/10/15 03:49:47 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I have hemorrhoids. This is painful :(
3 :めめんま('ω')初段:2017/10/15 04:06:01 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I'm really into PUBG.
Despite playing everyday without almost sleeping, my KD ratio is 0.3 hahaha.
4 :名無しRishiさん:2017/10/15 08:02:00 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Where you from?
5 :jarnoR3Y初段:2017/10/15 16:26:52 (7年前) 0.11404649MONA/2人
"I'm really into PUBG.
Despite playing everyday without almost sleeping, my KD ratio is 0.3 hahaha" hahaha
I'm from belgium
6 :ミスター モナコ2.9五段教士:2017/10/15 16:30:01 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Im Mr.CH
I live in Bangkok.
I often go to drink to Crazy House in Soi Cowboy.
See ya!
7 :Rica初段:2017/10/15 16:37:40 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Hi,.i'm Rica, livin' in Tokyo, love to travel:)
8 :morino一級:2017/10/15 16:41:17 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
9 :めめんま('ω')初段:2017/10/16 18:14:53 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Cool, many talented footballers are in your country.
10 :jarnoR3Y初段:2017/10/17 02:47:41 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
"Cool, many talented footballers are in your country.".
Yeah hahahha thanks, who's your favourite?
11 :dragon3766三段教士:2017/10/17 03:44:08 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
12 :lae九段尊者:2017/10/17 04:02:11 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I live in the US on the west coast and am a infrastructure engineer (so I deal with configuring servers and deploying software). I haven't played many video games lately (but I do still play mahjong and a mobile phone game called Love Live School Idol Festival regularly), but the ones I'm into are mostly JRPGs like the Atelier series. I still need to play Nier Automata...
13 :名無し四段:2017/10/17 09:22:18 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Askmona is much more international than I had imagined!!!!
Keep it coming!!!!
Also, where you can, please try to spread information and awareness on reddit, twitter, etc.
14 :名無し四段:2017/10/17 09:24:22 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I've noticed some people calling for a top in Mona after the big move to 700. But I think after some consolidation, the price will move up again, hopefully into the 1000's of yen.
So to the mona bears, I proudly say "NOT THIS TIME":動画を見る
15 :名無し四段:2017/10/17 09:26:52 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
BTW, Japan has a population of 120 million people, but there are currently only 54 million mona coins in existence.
If mona becomes broadly popular, there are not enough monas in the world for every Japanese person to own even one coin.
If we add in the international buyers, the possibility for price appreciation is impressive.
16 :めめんま('ω')初段:2017/10/22 12:33:38 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
Sorry for the late reply.
Everyone knows the best footballer from belgium is E.Hazard, but my favorite is Nainggolan !!
And I hope Simon Mignolet make a further progress because I support LFC. ;)
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