someone will translate?
2 Res. 0.1 MONA 1 Fav.
1 :Ivan Sorce二段:2017/11/28 07:14:39 (7年前) 0.1MONA/1人
Hello to everyone! names is ivan and i'm really interested about this mona! I think mona will be the future in japan....
i think mona will be more expensive than bitcoin!
Someone will translate all the Mona website in English? or i need to start learn Japanese? ????
I forgot to say: Someone with big heart want to donate 1 mona for me? if you donate 1 mona i will have 5 mona ??
i forgot someone here like mirai nikki? ;)
2 :Ivan Sorce二段:2017/11/28 07:16:43 (7年前) 0MONA/0人
I forgot this year i will come to see japan tokyo and i wanted to ask if someone will bring me to see tokyo ;)
I have already one my friend in tokyo she's a singer.
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