wallet/crypter.cpp, line 198

その他 wrong passphrase

6 Res. 0 MONA 2 Fav.

1 :名無しさん:2018/01/03 02:07:51 (7年前)  0MONA/0人

I have some problem with my wallet
passphrase is 100% correct
I can see the balance, but when I enter the right passphrase to send the currency or change passphrase.
This message appears

Assertion failed!
file: wallet/crypter.cpp, line 198

the program opens and synchronizer without problems
I tested the backup on another computer and it presented same problem.

2 :脇山P名人教士聖人:2018/01/03 09:51:33 (7年前)  0MONA/0人

Hi :)
did you hear abount this topic?

It is a case that I have not heard so much.

you dump the secret key and import it into a new wallet.
walletpassphrase <yourpassphrase> 120
dumpprivkey <yourmonacoinaddress>

new wallet
importprivkey <yourprivkey>

3 :名無しさん:2018/01/03 15:54:58 (7年前)  0MONA/0人

is not possible, because when I enter a password, the same message appears.

4 :名無しさん:2018/01/03 15:55:54 (7年前)  0MONA/0人

I was the one who opened the topic.


5 :脇山P名人教士聖人:2018/01/04 00:40:25 (7年前)  0MONA/0人

wallet.dat is broken?
do you have more older backup?

6 :名無しさん:2018/01/04 21:42:37 (7年前)  0MONA/0人

No, i don´t.



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